#CPChatNow Recap- 06-19-2024

Participants in the cerebral palsy (CP) X chat #CPChatNow spent time on their 2024 Juneteenth holiday talking to each other. To delve into the details, I am chat co-host Zachary Fenell. So, go pop some popcorn, grab your preferred beverage, and get ready to enjoy your weekly recap!

If the above popcorn and beverage line makes you think about going to movies, then I accomplished my mission. Going to the movies remained a main focus Wednesday, June 19th. My co-host Devin Axtman brought up the topic when he checked in for the evening.

#CPChatNow co-host Devin Axtman sparks the movie discussion.

Devin revealed he was going to see Inside Out 2 that night. Those in the chat responded in various ways. Hannah encouraging Devin to “Let us know what you think.” Meanwhile Jen replied, “Hope you have a great time.”

As the dialogue continued, focus shifted to the last movie everyone saw in theaters.

Hannah and Zachary discuss going to movies as a great friend activity.

Personally, I shared the last movie I saw in theaters was Dune 2. I went with a friend even though I had not seen the first Dune. Like I explained during the discussion, “Movies to me are more about time with friends.” Regarding the friend I saw Dune 2 with, I noted, “A friend who has done a half marathon and several other races with me. So, of course I’m like sure I can go see this movie.”

My remarks about seeing movies more as an activity to do with friends also resonated with Hannah, who commented, “I feel like it’s an equal opportunity experience because I don’t have to try to keep up with everyone. We’re all just relaxing.” Sentiments I recalled Mike Berkson from Handicap This expressing years ago. Inviting participants to travel further back, I asked another question.

#CPChatNow participants remember the first movies they ever saw in theaters.

I asked, “Do you remember what the first movie you ever saw in theaters was?” Devin answered Lion King. However, he did provide the disclaimer, “Or maybe that was the first one I remember.”

Additionally Jen showed memory fuzziness saying, “Batman in 89 or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in 90.” Other responses included Hannah recalling seeing Titanic with her parents and me naming the 1993 film The Beverly Hillbillies as one of the first movies I saw in theaters.

How about you though? Keep the conversation going and answer for the week’s extend-the-conversation question, “What was the first movie you ever saw in theaters?”

Answer for the week's extend-the-conversation question, "What was the first movie you ever saw in theaters?"

Respond below in the “Comments.” Afterwards, set a reminder to join us every Wednesday on X. The fun begins at 8pm ET.

Until then, remember. Don’t blend in. Blend out!


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